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District staff conducts special investigations of complaints for possible violations of air quality laws and regulations. The following options are available to file a complaint:

During regular business hours:  please contact the District at 332-9400 or toll free at 855-332-9400, press “0” to speak with the receptionist, and request to speak to the on-duty inspector.

After regular business hours: call the District office at 332-9400 or toll free (855) 332-9400 and listen to the recorded message for instructions on how to report a complaint after hours.

Submit electronically: Complaints may be submitted electronically using the form below. Complaints submitted electonically cannot be reviewed until the next business day.

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Smoking & Idling Vehicles: To report a smoking or idling vehicle to the California Air Resources Board, visit CARB’s Environmental Complaints webpage.

Submit directly to Cal EPA: You may also file complaints directly to Cal EPA. To file a complaint with the State Complaint Hotline, please call 1-800-952-5588 or go here.