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News & Publications

September 2023:

2023 State of the District Report


October 31, 2022: The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) took final action in October 2022 to determine that Butte County attained the 2015 National Ambient Air Quality for ozone pollution. In 2015, the US EPA set a new health-based 8-hour standard for ozone at 70 parts per billion. Butte County was in violation of this new standard as of 2018 however reduced emissions of smog-forming pollutants throughout the Sacramento Valley have helped improve summertime air quality.

10/31/22 US EPA Press Release

US EPA’s action can be viewed here


October 26, 2022: Congratulations to Ursula Parker for being awarded the 2022 Rodney Swartzendruber Outstanding Inspector Award! This award recognizes California air district inspectors who consistently demonstrate outstanding performance and who make significant contributions that benefit air pollution control efforts in an exemplary way. 

10/26/22 Ursula Parker Press Release


July 14, 2021: The Butte County Air Quality Management District has recommitted to be a part of a multi-jurisdiction Memorandum of Understanding for the purpose of increasing the use of fire to meet ecological and other management objectives including the protection of public health and community safety. 

View the full list of partners herePlease see the full MOU document here