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Open Burning

Burn Day Status:

Forecast Date1/21/2025 (Tuesday)1/22/2025 (Wenesday)
Residential BurningBurn Day where burning is allowed.  Do NOT burn if weather conditions make it unsafe.  Please see our residential burn page for more information or call (530) 332-9407.No forecast due to uncertain conditions.  Please revisit this webpage for updates or call 530-332-9407.
Agricultural BurningAgricultural burn day with a valid District permit and CAL FIRE burn permit (if required).  Refer to your burn permit for additional requirements.  Call (530) 332-9406 for recorded information about burn status.No forecast - Information updated daily by 8:45 AM.

Agricultural Burn Line Online:

Daily orchard brush burning with a valid agricultural burn permit can be reported by calling 530-332-9406 or by using the form below. Don't start or report burning before 8:45am. Only reporting for piled orchard brush should be submitted. To request authorization for any other type of burning (ditchbanks, weeds, field crops, orchard removal, etc.) please call 530-332-9400 and request the on-duty inspector.

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